The following words, along with their meanings, were extracted from The Languages of Japan by Masayoshi Shibatani (Cambridge University Press, 1990, ISBN 0 521 36070 6 [hardback], ISBN 0 521 36918 5 [paperback]).
I have used Shibatani's transcription, which seems to be phonemic, but have omitted hyphens, which seem to be used irregularly in the original. There are lots of irregularities. Some of these are due to the variety of suffixes and prefixes. I don't know what the root or dictionary forms should be, so I just copied what I found there. Only occasionally, I put what appeared to be suffixes or inflected endings in parentheses. Another irregularity is that the data mixes classical and colloquial Ainu, as well as dialects from different areas, such as Sakhalin and Hokkaido.
This list is just provided for quick reference. Please see the original work for details of pronunciation and usage, as well as for information on Ainu syntax and lists of sources. It is available on-line from Cambridge University Press , as well as from
My main purpose in putting up this list is to provide a little data for Usenet discussions about language relationships on sci.lang and sci.lang.japan. Those who understand the nature of language relationships will know how to use this little bit of data, and many others can learn, but there will always be those who just jump on chance resemblances to declare that Ainu is related to some distant and little-known language.
I am sure there are many errors. There seem to have been some in
the original, but I couldn't be sure what was correct and what was wrong,
so I just copied what I found there. I'll be happy to correct any
errors that I'm informed about.
More Ainu-related resources are available now than when I first put this
up. There are quite a few links and other references at
Also, Alexander Akulov has his Aynu-English-Russian
Dictionary up now.
The List
a a a a- acapo ahci aha ahkas ahun ahunke ak akon nipsa akor akot totto akot tures amam aman ampa ampene amset amun an an an an anak(ne) anekuroro ani ani anke anu anpe anramasu aoka(i) aoka(i) aoka(i) apa apto aptoas apunno arespa ari ari arka arki arpa as as asi asikne asin asinuma asir asrukonna assokotor at atomte atte auwesuye awa awki ay aynu caka cari casi ceh cep ci cikaye cikap cikka cinkeutarikehe cip cipo cirikinka cis cise ciw ciyehe ciyene cup cupka cuporo e e e- eani earkaparpe earkinne easir easkay eaykap eci ecioka(i) e(e) eh eikura eiwanke eiyok ek ekaci ekasi ekimne en ene enere enkasike eper epis episne eraman eramisikari erampetek erampokinu erum es esan esani esinuma esose etay ewen goza hampe hani hanke hapo haw(e) hawe hekaci hekomo hemanta hemoy hempak hempar henke hetuku hi hine hitara hohki hok hoku hokukor hoppa hopu(ni) horai horari hosi hosipi hosipika hoyupu huci hum humas humi humna hunak(ka) hure hureka husko i i i icen ika ike ike ikor inankur inanpe inaw inen inkar inukuri inuma inunkuri ipe iresu isam isepo isoun itah itak itako iteki ituren iyekarkar iyoykir iyoype ka ka ka kahkemacihi kahkemah(a) kampi kampi kampi kamuy kamuy kane kar kar karkar karkar kasi kaskamuy kaspa kasuno kat kay kaya kaye keera’an kera keran keray keri kesto keu kewe kewtum ki kikkik kim kina kira kiraw kisar kisar kitamsuye kitayna koca komke komo kon rametok kopa kor kore korka korpare kosanu kosne kosunke kotan kote kotor kotor koyki koyki koytah koytak ku ku ku kuani kukorkur kuni kunne kunne kunneiwa kunneywa kunneywaan kur kur kurasno kurka kurpoki kuru kus kusu kuykuy mahpooho mak maka maka makke maknatara mamma man manuyke mat mat matak(ihi) matkaci matkor mean menoko merekopo meske mesu meunatara mew miire mike mokor mom momka mon mono mosir(ihi) moyre mukcar mut naa nan nankor nay ne nea(n) nekonan nep netopa newa ney ni niatus nicayteh nimpa ninkarihi nipa nisatke nispa nissui niste no nosiki noski nospa noye nu(u) nuca nukar nupe nupek nuye o oanray oasi oharkisi ohta oka(y) oka(i) okere okirasnu okkay okkew oma omap omare omayse ona onne onuman ooya’an or orawki orowa(no) orpak(no) orun oruspe orwa osip oskoni osma osura oterke otta otu oya pa pa pa page pakes pakkay pakno paknonekor paraparak pas paskuma patek paye paykar paykaran pe (-p) pekon nupe pekor pes pewre pewrep pewrekur pici pinne pirika pirka pirkaike pirkap piskami piskan poho pok pokisir pom menoko pompe pon pone ponno pooho poro poroike poronno poru poso poy seta poy yuk puni pusa rakko ram ram ramu ramuan ramusak ran ranke rap raskitay ratki ray rayap rayke re re reekoh ren renkayne rep(un) rera reska resu retan rik ri(ki) riskani ro rok rok ronnu rorumpe roski rototke rototo ru rusuy ruwe ruy sak sake san sanota santuku sapa sapo sar sat satke se sekor seta(ha) si siatuy sikanna sik(ihi) siko simakoray sine sinean sineani sinen sinnam sir sir sir sir sirepa siretok siretokkor sirhutne sirpeker sirsesek sisam sitayki siyeye ske so somo sonno sosiekatta soy soyne sukup suma suop suy ta ta taa tam tampako tampe tan tani tankur tanne tap tapan tara tawki te tek tek tepeka terke toan tom tomi tomte tono tonoto tope totto toy toyko tresi tu tumi tumikoro tumpaorun tumpu tunas tura turasno turen tures(i) turi turse tup tuy tuye tuye tuyma tuymamo tuyu u- uwekot uk uk(o) ukoyki umma un un unarpe uni unukar unuypa wakka upaskuma upsor(oke) urepet uriwahne us usa(an) usiwnekoro usor utarorkehe utur uwasurani uyee uyna wa wa(no) wakka wen ya ya yak yaku yakun yan yanke yaopiwka yapikir yay- yay yayari yayewen yaynu yee ype ytek yuk yup yupe yupi(hi) |
I, we (classical 1Sg/Pl trans. verbal prefix) we (incl.) (colloq. 1Pl trans. verbal subj. prefix) my (noun prefix) (passive prefix) uncle Grandmother (direct address) (possessive suffix) to walk to enter to send in younger brother our chief (from akor nipsa) my our mother (from akor totto) our sister (from akor tures) rice rice to carry very bed (topic marker) I, we (classical 1Sg/Pl intrans. verbal suffix) we (incl.) (colloq. 1Pl intrans. verbal subj. suffix) we (incl.) (colloq. 1Pl trans. verbal subj. prefix) to be (somewhere); to exist; to become (as suffix) (topic marker--postposition) happy he, she (colloq. 3Sg) (from an-i) to hold; to take about to to put thing pleasing we (classical 3Pl) (from a-oka-i) we (incl.) (colloq. 3Pl) (from a-oka-i) you (colloq. 2Sg/Pl honorific) (from a-oka-i) door rain (noun) to rain peacefully to raise (up) with to put to hurt (intransitive), to be in pain to come (3Pl) to go we (excl.) (colloq. 1Pl intrans. verbal subj. suffix) to stand up (intrans.), to arise; to appear to stand (something) up (trans.) five to exit I (classical 1Sg) (from a-sir-oma) new to stand wall rope beautiful (a = indefinite subject) to drop interesting then to say arrow person; Ainu to open to throw; to scatter mountain castle fish fish we (excl.) (colloq. 1Pl intrans. verbal subj. prefix) bent; broken (ci = indefinite subject) bird to drop parents and others boat, ship to row a boat to rise high to cry house; home to pierce penis penis sun east belly you (2Sg verbal subj./obj. prefix) your (noun prefix) (applicative prefix) you (colloq. 2Sg) (from e-an-i) only thin clothes awfully (topic marker) can (do) can’t (do) you (2Pl verbal subj./obj. prefix) you (classical/colloq. 2Pl) (from eci-oka-i) to eat to come to send (a thing) to use to sell to come child grandfather to go to the mountains I (colloq. 1Sg verbal obj. prefix) any; anything; thus to swing (transitive) over there bear (animal) beach to go to the beach to know not to understand not to know to be a pity rat you (2Pl verbal subj./obj. prefix) to go out there; to protrude peninsula (from esan-i) you (classical. 2Sg) (from e-sir-oma) to borrow to draw (a sword) (out or against something) to become bad mat father (imperative particle) near mother voice it is said that child to leave, to depart (intransitive) what? herring how many? when? old man to come out; to rise (of the sun) (nominalizing verb suffix) and (durative suffix) to die to buy husband to take a husband to leave (transitive) to rise, to get up (from bed); to get started (from) to live to live (somewhere), to dwell leggings to return (intrans.) to return (trans.) to run grandmother sound; feeling to feel it seems to be, it appears who? where? red to redden old (nominalizing suffix indicating ‘place where’ or ‘time when’) me, us (classical 1Sg/Pl verbal obj. prefix) us (incl.) (colloq. 1Pl intrans. verbal obj. suffix) money to overflow, to spill; to fall (from a ship) (nominalizing suffix indicating ‘thing’ or ‘person’) then sheath which person (from ine-an-kur) which? to make four to see unbearable treasure unbearable to eat foster to not exist; to die rabbit to hunt words to speak; language; word; voice to speak never; “Don’t...” to bless to do something to me (from i-ekarkar) implements of rites treasure also, too string top young lady young lady money order letter (missive) study (noun) bear (animal) god gold; golden to make to take to do to wrap top (of); on top of (postposition) protective god to surpass; excessively than to build to carry (on the back) sail to bend; to break (trans.) tasty, delicious to taste tasty , delicious(from kera-an) thanks shoe daily to thunder body (corpse?) heart; feelings to do to beat (someone) mountain grass, herbs to flee, to escape horn leg rabbit to slash with a sword top front to fold, to bend (intrans.) to fold, to bend (trans.) his bravery (from kor rametok) to misread; to pretend to have; to own to give though to give; to do the favor of (doing something) all at once light; lightly to lie (tell lies) village to tie horizontally mask to kill to strike, to hit to talk to to talk to I (colloq. 1Sg verbal subj. prefix) I (colloq. 1Sg verbal subj. prefix) to drink; to smoke (tobacco) I (colloq. 1Sg) (from ku-an-i) my husband (literally “the person I have”) must be black like morning morning to become morning (nominalizing suffix ‘person’) shadow black surface underneath person perhaps because; in order to; to intend to to bite girl mountain side backwards to open (trans.) to open (intran.) to gleam milk to swim and to happen wife younger sister girl to take a wife cold girl girls to come off to tear off splendid to stretch to dress (put on clothing) to glitter to sleep to float (intrans.) to float (trans.) and quietly country (homeland) slow; slowly chest (thorax) to wear too, also face; surface perhaps river to be (equational verb/copula); to become; to start (as verbal suffix) that; those (demonstrative) what kind of? what? which? body that (demonstrative) there tree pail, bucket firewood to drag earrings chief next day master clouds strong (adverbializing suffix) center, middle center, middle to chase to turn; to wrap to hear; to listen Russian to see tears light to write; to tattoo; to carve to put on, attach, put in dead about to left side into to exist, to be; to stay they (classical/colloq. 3Pl) (from oka-i) to finish strong boy neck to exist to love to put, to place floor father to (postposition) evening various inside (postposition) to escape from; then (postposition); (also, marks agent of passive sentence) up to (postposition) to (directed toward) rumors then to return to catch to begin; suddenly to throw to step in, at (postposition) many next (inanimate[?] plural object suffix) (iterative suffix) to return (to a place), to go back to go cup to carry (on one’s back) until and then to cry downstream to tell old stories only to go Spring (season) to become Spring (nominalizing suffix--’one who’) sparkling tears (from pekor nupe) sparkling upstream young bear (animal) young person to miss one’s footing male good pretty; good, well goodness; good thing/person rich person both surrounding child under, below (postposition) leg small girl (from pon menoko) small thing (from pon-pe) small, young bone slightly child big, great bigness; big thing/person a lot of, much, many cave through small dog (from pon seta) small deer (from pon yuk) to lift knot otter breast feelings to think; mind wise (literally “mind exists”) foolish (literally “mind is lacking”) to go down, to descend and to fall beam (of a house) to hang, to be suspended to die surprised to kill (causative suffix) three a lot, many; really three a lot, many offshore wind to raise (livestock) to raise (a child) white to go up, to ascend high both sides (sentence-final particle meaning “Let’s...”) (perfective) to sit to kill to fight high successive successive road to want trace strong (as wind) to be lacking; to be without wine to descend beach hilt head older sister tail to dry (intrans.) to dry (trans.) to carry thus, so dog (reflexive suffix) ocean dragon eye to be born to pass away (die) one one; certain one place; a certain time alone coldness (ambient prefix) mountain weather sight (of something) to arrive beauty beautiful (litterally “to have beauty”) narrow to dawn hot Japanese to dump to get sick to knit from not (adverb--goes before the verb); “Don’t...” really to take out outside (of) (postposition) to go outside young rock box to sway (transitive) in, at; to (postposition) to draw (water) this (demonstrative) sword tobacco this (thing); that this (demonstrative) now this person long shoulder such those (demonstrative) to strike here hand a little (suffix) here to run (operate); to jump that (demonstrative) inside sword to beautify sir wine milk (cow’s) mother land thoroughly younger sister many war; to fight war inside room fast; quickly to accompany; with (postposition) quickly to bless sister to stretch to fall two woven to cut to turn far far away to slash (reciprocal prefix) to fall to tie; to grapple to pick to fight horse to; toward (postposition) to be (copula) aunt us (excl.) (colloq. 1Pl intrans. verbal obj. prefix) to hold a meeting tattooing water to tell old stories inside (postposition) toe brothers to wear various to retain (a servant) lagoon comrades between (postposition) to talk about rumors to each other (from u-asur-ani) to quarrel ash and (coordinate conjunctive particle) from (postposition) water bad; unfortunate; dear (applied to siblings) (sentence-final question particle) (fishing) net if; even if to mash (trans.) if; even if (sentence-final imperative particle for plural addressees) to pull (something) up stony river bed to throw (reflexive prefix) one’s own; self’s to live (dwell?) to become disabled to think to say to eat to use deer older brother brother older brother |
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