View Menu
Toggle Toolbar Location


As with iData Pro 4, earlier versions of iData Pro 5 displayed datafile windows with the title (datafile name) at the top of the window, and the toolbar below that:

Recent changes to macOS included windows with the toolbar to the right of the title. The title text size is also larger.

The result is, that at a particular window width, the title and the toolbar may both be truncated:

New Options

Beginning with iData Pro 5.4.04, when a datafile is opened, it will have the title above the toolbar. If you prefer that setting, you don't need to do anything.

However, if you wish to compare the appearance of the two toolbar locations with various datafiles, you can toggle between the two settings by selecting Toggle Toolbar Location under the View menu. (Or type command-option-shift-T.)

Whichever setting is active when the datafile is closed will become the default setting for that datafile.

Since this is a datafile-specific setting, you can choose to have different settings for different datafiles.

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