Flop-eared Mule

Tab and notes by Mike Wright

In an attempt to counter what appears to be a plot by b*nj* players to move "Flop Eared Mule" from its proper keys of C/G to the revisionist keys of G/D, I've tabbed out a basic version in the proper keys. (Note that Steve Pottier and Sandy Rothman play it in C/G on their "Bluegrass Guitar Duets" CD [and on the Flatpicking Guitar Magazine CD], and a break in those keys is tabbed out in the September/October 1997 issue of FGM.)

Again, this is a very simple version. Listen to the Pottier/Rothman version to get an idea of the variations that are possible.

Part A
  C                                   G                 C
1 |   |   |   |   2 |   |   |   |   3 |   |   |   |   4 |   |   |   |

  C                                   G                 C
5 |   |   |   |   6 |   |   |   |   7 |   |   |   |   8 |   |   |   |

Part B
  G                                   D                 G
17|   |   |   |  18 |   |   |   |  19 |   |   |   |  20 |   |   |   |

  G                                   D                 G
21|   |   |   |  22 |   |   |   |  23 |   |   |   |  24 |   |   |   |

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