Edit Menu
Sort Tasks Sub-Menu

Sorting Basics

If you have not already done so, please read the User Guide article on Sorting.

Adding Sort Tasks

Since we may often sort and re-sort a particular datafile in different ways, such as sorting a customer datafile by Last Name,/First Name, or by Company Name, or by Zip Code, it's nice to be able to save such a sort task and repeat it by selecting it from a menu. This is the purpose of the Sort Tasks sub-menu.

The freeform datafile sorting dialog and the field-based datafile sorting dialog each have an Add to Sort Tasks Menu checkbox and a Sort Task Name: text field at the bottom of the dialog window.

Once you have selected the desired sorting options, you can select the checkbox and type a task name into the text field, just before clicking the Sort or OK button.

Removing Sort Tasks

If you decide that you no longer need a particular sort task in the sub-menu, you can remove it:

       1. Hold down the option key.

       2. Select the task in the Sort Tasks sub-menu.

       3. Release the option key.

You may also want to do this if you decide that a sort task needs a better name. Just remove it and add it back under the new name.

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